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Kamis, 22 Maret 2012

Landing Pages Turn Traffic Into Money

What is a Landing Page?

Image of Landing Page graphic
A landing page is any page on a website where traffic is sent specifically to prompt a certain action or result. Think of a golf course… a landing page is the putting green that you drive the ball (prospect) to.
Once on the green, the goal is to get the ball into the hole. Likewise, the goal of the copy and design of a landing page is to get the prospect to take your desired action.
Here are a few examples of ways that landing pages are used with various traffic sources:
  • Traffic is sent from a pay per click (PPC) search marketing campaign (such as Google AdWords) to multiple landing pages optimized to correspond with the keywords the searcher used.
  • Traffic is sent from a banner ad or sponsorship graphic to a landing page specifically designed to address that target audience.
  • Traffic is sent from a link in an email to a landing page designed to prompt a purchase.
  • Traffic is sent from a blog post or sidebar link to a landing page that pre-sells affiliate products or encourages an opt-in to a sub-list.
  • The page you’re currently reading is a content landing page designed to organize many related pages around an overall theme.

Nine Landing Page Tutorials That Will Make You Smarter:

Here are nine articles that will help you start creating killer landing pages right away:
  1. 5 Landing Page Mistakes that Crush Conversion Rates
  2. 10 Tips for Writing the Ultimate Landing Page
  3. 5 Tips for Designing the Ultimate Landing Page
  4. “Keep it Simple, Stupid” Applies to Your Landing Pages, Too!
  5. How is an Effective Landing Page Like a Direct Mail Letter?
  6. 7 Steps to an Email Opt-in Page That Works
  7. How Crappy Landing Pages Kill Email Campaigns
  8. How Successful is Your Landing Page? The 3 Key Metrics You Need to Know
  9. The 10 Commandments of Landing Pages That Work

Landing Page Software for WordPress:

Premise is a bundle of software and education that lets you quickly and effectively create landing pages with WordPress. The total product breaks down into the three vital aspects of landing pages that work:
  1. Pages

    First of all, you’ve got to be able to create the important landing page types outside of your normal WordPress theme. You don’t want your typical header and sidebars in the mix, and you need to be able to controls styles, colors, fonts, and graphics specifically to those landing pages.Premise allows you to easily create 6 critical landing page styles in WordPress, add visual flair with included custom graphics, and control fonts, colors, and styles without code. And it works with any WordPress theme you’d like to use it with.
  2. Copy

    Building pages alone won’t get you the action and conversion rate you’re looking for. It’s the copy that makes people do what you want, and this is the element missing from any website or page-building software. But we’re uniquely qualified to make up for that. Premise makes your words work with copywriting advice delivered directly from your WordPress interface for each type of landing page. Plus you get the Premise Guide to Effective Copy and high-quality copywriting seminars as part of the deal.
  3. Optimization

    No matter how great your copywriting skills, there’s always room for improvement in your conversion rate and search rankings. You just need the proper tools and the right guidance. Premise provides detailed conversion optimization seminars, split-testing directly from inside WordPress, and SEO tools that ensure you’re getting the absolute most out of your landing pages.
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